Audun Formo Hay - Collaborating amid conflict, distrust and difference: Designing transformation capacity in child protection service

Audun is a psychologist and Ph.D. fellow that will research how implicit interpersonal experiences can be made explicit through design. Situated as a case study in a major Norwegian child protection service, the project focuses on interpersonal power dynamics.

Both research and experience show that families who meet with child protection can find this contact difficult. Although their experiences vary, many are scared, confused, and distraught. Child protection is a particular service, as it has the legal power to carry out some of the most invasive measures available to families in our society. This notion also comes with great responsibility for those who work with child protection in carefully managing this power with each family. However, it is not possible to see or touch power, nor the experience of meeting it.

The current project researches how we can use design to increase actors' awareness of power dynamics in complicated interpersonal relationships. Researching through design, the aim is to understand better what drives and impedes an actor's ability to engage in reflexivity about their practice.